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TC Agreement

This Transaction Coordinator Agreement is entered into by and between KeySolutionz TC and “AGENT” on the date of Executed Contract submission.

This Agreement governs only the Real Estate Transaction on the property submitted.

KeySolutionz will act ONLY as the Transaction Coordinator on the submitted property. KeySolutionz is NOT the acting broker with regards to the submitted property transaction
and therefore is not responsible as such. As Transaction Coordinator, KeySolutionz, agrees
to exercise reasonable effort and due diligence.

AGENT agrees:

1) Complete all other aspects of the transaction, work with the buyer/seller and ensure cooperation with the KeySolutionz Transaction Coordinator assigned to this transaction.

2) Ultimately be responsible for acquiring the appropriate signatures of all parties involved in the transaction and returning the documentation to the KeySolutionz Transaction Coordinator.

3) That it will abide by any and all state and federal laws as applicable to this type of transaction and that they are duly licensed by the appropriate entities.

4) Transaction Coordinator Fee: To pay the sum of $300.00 for each side KeySolutionz
TC represents and agrees upon for the services rendered. 

Mail check to: P.O. Box 55 Vacaville, CA 95696

*Contract to Close - Fee is due at closing IF the transaction closes.

*Entering a Listing into MLS (ONLY)

Agent hereby agrees to release KeySolutionz from any and all liabilities that may arise by virtue of this real estate transaction and broker further agrees to indemnify, defend and hold KeySolutionz harmless from all claims, disputes, litigation, judgments, and attorney fees that may arise in connection with this transaction and also from any incorrect information supplied by third parties to KeySolutionz, or from any material facts that third parties know but fail to disclose to KeySolutionz.

Sign Agreement

Click here to download

KeySolutionz is dedicated to improving the comprehension of the intricate credit system for mortgage professionals, realtors, and consumers. We partner with prospective homebuyers and high schools to provide credit education courses. KeySolutionz is a genuine and reliable nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering consumers to uncover the truth about credit and the decision-making processes involved. The courses offered by KeySolutionz are not a one-size-fits-all solution; instead, we create a customized, step-by-step plan designed for each individual.

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